Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Week of Ouch

Here's my Saturday Stats a day late:

Miles ridden this week: 3
Pounds lost: 0.4 lbs.
Starting weight: 344 lbs.
Current weight: 340.2 lbs.
Total weight loss since 6/29/13: 3.8 lbs.

This was a tough week, I gotta say.  I am used to my body fighting me a little when I start exercising again after a long hiatus but nothing like this.  Last Monday, my knee was so sore I had to take Advil to get to sleep.  Fortunately, my chiropractor adjusted it for me and it started to feel better.  I never realized you can adjust joints until I met her.  A couple of summers ago she fixed my foot when I wrenched it.  It makes me wonder how many people are limping around on sore joints when a trip to the chiropractor would set them right.

My knee was still so sore that I didn't ride until Thursday.  That ride wasn't too bad because I broke it up with an errand.  It was pouring rain but just enough to be refreshing.

Saturday, I finally achieved my goal of finding my bike shoes.  One had somehow gotten waaaay under the bed and the other was in the closet.  Go figure.  I even found my GPS and charged it up but then I forgot to take it with me.  Apparently, my bike shoes are a problem.  As soon as I started riding, my right foot got all cramped up and sore.  My knee really hurt too causing me to utter, out loud, while riding down Mass. Ave. "Oh, my legs!  Why you do me like this?!!"  Needless to say, that ride was a struggle.  I did make it, though I had to stop once more just to let the cramping ease.  

Today, I wore my sneakers again and things were much better.  My knee hurt at the beginning of the ride but after I stretched out, I had a space of time where it ACTUALLY DIDN'T HURT.  I hardly knew what to do with myself.  That passed fairly quickly and my knee went back to hurting but it gave me hope.

We'll see what this week has to bring.  I'd like to get back to wearing my bike shoes but not if they make my feet cramp.  When my weight is high, my feet get very swollen and I think that is the problem.  We'll see how long it lasts.  Meanwhile, I'm going to start using my GPS and see how far I'm actually riding instead of just guessing.

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